Why become a
"Committed Client"?
Over time, our culture has become more and more about instant gratification, so many of us shy away from any process that requires commitment and work. It is crazy to think of how many people out there are suffering physically, emotionally or mentally simply because they don't want to be bothered with "Doing the Work".
Anyone that has made a decision to shift, change, grow or heal anything in their life, knows that the process is never "One and Done". For long-term and lasting results, there is no magic button or 2-Day Prime Delivery. This is why I decided to reward clients that are willing to create an intentional contract with themselves to put in the work to build the life that they want!
Committing to any plan that is going to provide the help that you need to get where you want to go requires resources!
Some of the biggest excuses we make in order to avoid these commitments involve time, money and energy. The problem we face is that if we truly want to be better in any area of life, all 3 of those things are a requirement.
As part of your wellness team, I cannot provide you with additional time or energy, but I can help with the financial commitment!

In order to help make the healing journey more accessible, I have created the Committed Client program that will give you access to "Sale" prices ALL YEAR LONG!
Requirement to achieve Committed Client status is to complete ONE of the following:
Completion of the 90 min Energy Scan and Heartwall Removal + 2-30 min Body Code Sessions ​​​​
Completion of any Soul Coaching/Healing Session Pkg (three or more one hour sessions)

Healing is a full-time job. As part of your chosen wellness team, I can provide a pathway of support based on your personal needs and intentions. Although I can assist in the discovery and clearing of those things that have been holding you back, YOU are the one that is creating the real change in your life!
The path to change is never linear, so our support needs are always shifting as well. For this reason, once you have achieved the Committed Client status, it will never expire.
The therapeutic relationship is like an old friend, no matter how long you have been apart, you can pick up where you left it, like no time has passed!