True change comes when we allow it to come forward.
No surprise that this month heralds the Renewal that we have all been praying for, considering we kick off the month with a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse!
We must look at this new beginning though using the analogy of Birth. For those of you who have children, you know this journey first hand. You know the pain, the fear, the joy, the exhilaration, the heart-breaking love....and let us not forget the absolute physical mess that occurs during this miraculous event.
For those who have been in a delivery room during a birth or a surgery, it is not something that can be unseen!
Some of the greatest gifts in life are given to us through the gateway of pain, chaos, and mess. This month we will actually get to spend the majority of our time in the afterbirth bliss. The beginning of the month still holds the power of the Eclipse season, and it has been a rough one. Painful and messy. As we move deeper into the month, we will get to start tapping into the clarity of where we have been, what we have done to get here, and revel in the relief and exhaustion of the arrival.
I remember this feeling well. Going through the pain of labor, surgery, and then that moment of finally getting to meet this new little person and hold him for the first time. It is a cosmic moment, out of body. Everything hurts, you're exhausted beyond belief but the miracle at hand makes you not want to be anywhere else. The Universe is in that baby's eyes; unlimited potential, magical opportunities, and unimaginable love.
And then.....you have to take the baby home! AHHHHHH! What?! I don't know how to do this! This is too much! I'm lost; I don't know what to do first!
You go back to basics, the simple priorities, moving through vaseline moment to moment. This is life for a time until you begin to slowly get the feel of things, find a routine, get to know yourself in this new role, and start to gain some confidence.
This month begs us to allow ourselves to explore the world through these new eyes, create and play with our intuition and imagination, consider infinite possibilities for ourselves. We can take this risk to be authentic and vulnerable because the energy of the month supports us the way a Mother does. Be revolutionary in your perspective of life. Start simple and find your way one step at a time. You aren't lost; you are just exploring and learning. Be curious!
This is what you have been praying for, so make room for it to come in. A new story has been born! Be the conscious author of this new book.
Much love for your month and your Holiday season!