As we know, long ago, Hallmark dubbed February the month of Valentine's Day, but this month we're looking at the topic of Love and Relationships in a bit of a different way. Usually, when we think of Naked, we think of Sex, Intimacy, and Passion, right? Those are also on target for this month, but Spirit has brought forward the themes of support, vulnerability, and patience for us to consider within "nakedness" for February.
The card picked for February comes from The Romance Angels Oracle by Doreen Virtue.
"Worth Waiting For" really shines in the light of the message I have been getting for this incoming month. First, let's discuss the giant Retrograde Elephant in the room! We are in Mercury Retrograde for most of the month, coming in on January 30th and making its official ending on February 20th. However, there is always a pre-shadow and post-shadow phase, so, we can pretty much plan to be in these energies for the entire month of February.
If you want to hear more about the planetary visitors and their personalities this month, please take a listen to the IGTV/Podcast interview I did with Charlene Lawrence, Intuitive Astrologer. She gives us lots of reasons to get excited about this Retrograde!
The bottom line is a Retrograde means a time for pause and review. This particular Retrograde will be a bit more active than others, but the directive remains the same. RESET, RENEW, REVISE. This requires patience for those of us that want to drive forward and get to the finish line. Charlene used the word RE-VISION. Meaning take a look with a fresh perspective on what brings you joy! What relationships in your life are truly supporting you in these endeavors? Where are they holding you back? Where are you holding yourself back? The relationship we have with ourselves is, first and foremost, our co-creation path and ability to manifest our desires. What we believe we deserve is what we will get. Sometimes we have to "do the work" to get clear on what we really want out of life, especially when we are asking the question of what truly brings our passions to life and joy to our heart. We must then decide if we have the resources and support systems to help us get there. This can all mean taking the steps and waiting for the right things to come! Otherwise, aren't you just settling? Taking the second-best option because it is more accessible or faster doesn't mean it is the right thing for you. The Universe also sees you settling so, guess what it is going to send you more of?
Sometimes the BEST things are the things worth waiting for! That includes the best version of you. Allowing yourself to go into this place of deep self-development around what you want and whether you believe you deserve it requires real vulnerability. Then you are going to add the task of evaluating your support systems and ASK FOR HELP! Whew! Talk about being NAKED! When we admit we need help and reach out for that support, our Ego jumps in and says, "You're weak! Don't let anyone know, or they will disappoint you or take advantage of you!"
Well, Spirit is here to tell you that this month is a month to trust in positive change for yourself, your joy and your support systems. We even have the right support on a Cosmic level occurring to help bring these things to light! There has never been a better time to own your desires and go out and make them real. There has never been a better time to engage your partnerships to help you in those endeavors. The most beautiful part about the collection of frequencies that are coming together to assist us in this journey is this: No matter what the road looks like or what challenges you may face, the outcome is the same. JOY and FULFILLMENT. You have put things into motion and your prayers will be answered.