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Truth or Dare? Choosing God’s Whisper Over the World’s Roar

Writer's picture: Jenny IsraelJenny Israel

I remember when Truth or Dare was a game that brought the exhilaration of risk. It was an adventure that came with being young and naïve, not fully understanding the consequences of vulnerability. It was taboo, and it was fun! Who knew that as adults, Truth or Dare would evolve into a way of life? That we would perpetually find ourselves on the razor’s edge, figuring out what we’d have to sacrifice to choose Truth. Constantly dared by society to do something outside the direction the true Power of our world has set for us.

“Go ahead, sheeple, we dare you to pick Truth!”

So, we shuffle along, living within the confines of conformity, too afraid to face the Truth because we’ve been told it will only bring suffering. We live within the Dare, hoping that the “promises” made by worldly powers will eventually come to pass. Hoping we’ll revisit that feeling of being alive, connected, and vulnerable—the way we felt as kids.


The Crescendo of Tension

Life has reached a crescendo of tension. Do you feel it? Every day, the need to obey something deeper within grows stronger. That quiet, unshakable voice inside us gets louder. Fear is growing, and the cagey avoidance behaviors we’ve relied on no longer numb us. We’re all realizing that we’re being called to something bigger, something more meaningful.

If you grew up in a faith tradition, you probably heard this: "Obey God, and it will go well with you."

Jeremiah 7:23: "Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you."

Simple and Foundational, right? Obey God, and you’ll receive favor.


The Paradox of Obedience

Ah, welcome to the paradox of obedience: being loyal to God and your Higher Self often requires disobeying the systems, structures, and authorities that have conditioned you to play small. From the time we were kids, the world has been shouting, "Follow the rules! Do as you’re told! Play nice and don’t be selfish! Be a good girl/boy!" The tension between obedience to God versus obedience to the world can make anyone’s head spin. And let’s be real: choosing God’s path over the world’s often feels less like a straightforward choice and more like a full-on rebellion.

To obey God, we must first disobey the world. This conundrum isn’t new. As Ralph Waldo Emerson beautifully said,

"He who obeys his own soul can destroy the world’s rules and create a new one."

This isn’t just poetic fluff; it’s a spiritual dare. Humanity has been rumbling with the desire to break free from the conditioning that keeps us trapped in stuckness since the beginning of time. The question is: will this be the age we finally overturn the table we’ve dutifully carried on our backs for thousands of years? Aquarius season is here, and its message is clear: yes, it’s time.


Astrology: Perspective Through the Lens of Spiritual Science

Before diving into Aquarius, I want to clarify my love for astrology. I understand the transition from discussing God and Truth to astrology might confuse some. But if you know me, you know I’m a total nerd for anything within the realm of Spiritual Science. This is the place where the tangible and intangible meet, where Newtonian laws stop and quantum laws begin. It’s where things occur that defy the laws of existence as defined by science, yet start to make perfect sense when viewed through the lens of both science and spirit.

From the time I was small, I’d look up at the Moon and stars and imagine God waving His giant hands to move them into position. Decades later, after studying astrology and observing its correlation with humanity’s evolution, I can’t find any other theory that makes more sense. I still believe God is in the cockpit of creation, shifting planetary gears based on what we need to learn next.

When viewed as a tool created by God, astrology becomes a science that validates the notions pushing and nudging us toward growth and healing. Individually, we shift with the cosmos, but collectively, astrology is a way for God to move us mind, body, and soul. Despite our differences, there is something benevolent and bigger connecting us with a common goal: the betterment of humanity.


Aquarius Season: The Rebel With a Cosmic Cause

So, let’s talk about Aquarius energy! If Aquarius were a person, they’d show up to a board meeting wearing mismatched socks, armed with an ingenious (but slightly chaotic) plan to revolutionize everything. They’re brilliant, creative, and unafraid to disrupt the status quo. Aquarius thrives on questioning authority, and that’s exactly the vibe we’re being asked to channel right now.

But rebellion isn’t just about saying no to the powers that be; it’s about saying a resounding yes to the divine guidance within you. It’s about finding your vision and holding onto it, regardless of what the world is doing. It’s about aligning your actions with what your soul knows to be true—even if it feels counterintuitive, even if it scares you, and even if it means breaking some rules.


The Trap of False Authority

Here’s where it gets tricky: many of us have been programmed to hand over our authority to external forces—government, religion, family, or even social media influencers. We’ve been taught to value blind obedience over intuition, conformity over creativity, and approval over authenticity. This programming has left us feeling powerless, disconnected, and stuck.

False authority thrives on fear. It convinces us we’re incapable of making our own decisions. It whispers, “You need us to tell you what to do.” And here’s the kicker: false authority even lets us rebel against it! Why? Because it still controls us emotionally and mentally. But here’s the truth: you don’t have to play this game anymore. The same divine intelligence orchestrating the stars resides within you, and it has big, bold, beautiful plans for your life.


Finding the Courage to Disobey

Breaking free from conditioning and obeying your Higher Self isn’t something that happens overnight. There’s no manual or "right" way to start. But here’s the universal truth: it begins and ends with faith.

Faith in God. Faith in your intuition. Faith that the path unfolding before you, no matter how unconventional, is leading you to the freedom and fulfillment you crave. Faith that you’re always right on time, no matter how long it takes. Faith that God has already provided everything you need to take this journey.

Faith that, no matter what, everything is going to be okay.

Faith is more than a concept; it requires action. Faith without action is just wishful thinking. You must move in the direction of your Higher Self, even when it’s scary, lonely, or when the world calls you crazy. Here are a few practical steps to begin:

  • Question Everything and Pray On It: Ask yourself, “Am I doing this because it’s true to me or because it’s expected?” When in doubt, take it to God in prayer. Surrender your fears and make space for answers to arrive.

  • Get Comfortable Disappointing People: Not everyone will support your path, and that’s okay. True supporters will want you to thrive, even if they don’t fully understand.

  • Follow the Breadcrumbs (and the Discomfort): Your Higher Self won’t reveal the whole plan at once. Pay attention to nudges and synchronicities. Often, the more uncomfortable the nudge, the more aligned it is with your true path.

  • Build a Support System: Surround yourself with people who encourage your growth and celebrate your authenticity. Find your soul tribe.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Breaking free is hard. You’ll stumble and second-guess yourself. Be kind to yourself along the way.

  • Redefine Success: Let go of hustle culture and linear progress. Focus on the present day and its unique lessons. Progress isn’t always linear, but it’s always on time.


The Freedom on the Other Side

When you choose obedience to your Higher Self over external authority, something magical happens: you reclaim your power. You stop living for approval and start living for purpose. You stop seeking happiness outside yourself and realize it was within you all along. And the best part? You inspire others to do the same.

This isn’t rebellion for rebellion’s sake. It’s about breaking chains of fear and stepping into the fullness of who you were created to be. It’s about aligning your life with the divine plan written on your heart before you were born. And yes, it’s about freedom—true freedom—the kind that comes from living authentically, courageously, and unapologetically.

This Aquarius season, I dare you to be the disruptor. Break the rules that don’t serve you. Listen to God’s whisper within. Say yes to your Higher Self, even if it means saying no to the world. The journey won’t be easy, but the freedom on the other side is worth it.


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